Ola Electric, the leading name in India’s electric two-wheeler market, has made a significant stride by introducing its inaugural range of electric motorcycles. Revealing the new lineup, Ola Electric CEO Bhavish Aggarwal presented three innovative models: the Roadster X, Roadster, and Roadster Pro. Prices for these models begin at Rs 74,999, with the top-end Roadster Pro priced at Rs 2.49 lakh (ex-showroom). Alongside the launch, Ola Electric has started accepting bookings for all three models.
As Ola Electric’s entry-level model, the Roadster X is tailored to rival popular commuter motorcycles. Its design features a sleek, futuristic look with distinctive sharp lines and a closed panel where a conventional engine would typically be, now housing the battery. The motorcycle sports a single-piece seat and a cleverly integrated charging port in place of a traditional fuel cap.
Underneath its striking exterior, the Roadster X is powered by an 11 kW electric motor. Customers can choose from three battery options: 2.5 kWh, 3.5 kWh, and 4.5 kWh. The top variant accelerates from 0 to 40 kmph in a mere 2.8 seconds, achieving a maximum speed of 124 kmph and a range of up to 200 km. The bike is equipped with a Combi Braking System (CBS), disc brakes, and a 4.3-inch LCD running on MoveOS 5.