Classic Legends, backed by Anand Mahindra and the custodian of the historic British motorcycle brand BSA, has launched the BSA Gold Star 650cc in India at an enticing price of Rs 2.99 lakh. This move aims to make a significant impact in the competitive 45,000-unit market segment for 500-800cc bikes in the country.
The Gold Star 650cc stands out with its cost-effectiveness compared to its competitors, such as the Triumph Trident 660cc, which is priced at Rs 8.25 lakh. Interestingly, the BSA Gold Star 650cc is priced at approximately Rs 7 lakh in the UK, where Classic Legends has been exporting the model for the past 18 months. Meanwhile, the Royal Enfield Interceptor 750cc, another prominent player, is priced at Rs 3.1 lakh. Royal Enfield currently dominates the 500-800cc segment in India with a remarkable 96% market share, as evidenced by sales figures from April to July 2024.
During this period, sales in the 500-800cc category surged to 16,157 units, up from 9,736 units in the same months last year. Royal Enfield alone sold 15,599 units, with a notable 31% increase in July’s sales compared to the previous year.
At the launch event, Anand Mahindra, Chairman of the Mahindra Group and a key figure in Classic Legends, expressed his enthusiasm: “The BSA Gold Star 650 embodies the enduring spirit of the BSA brand. A brand is essentially a tapestry of stories, memories, and symbolism.”
Mahindra shared a nostalgic moment about acquiring the BSA brand in 2016–17. He recounted how he swiftly closed the deal with David Bennett, who had approached him with the opportunity to purchase BSA, despite initial setbacks from a “well-known competitor.”
Classic Legends has also recently entered a 50:50 joint venture with Tube Investments of India, part of the Murugappa Group, to use the BSA brand for motorcycles, parts, and accessories. This collaboration has paved the way for the BSA motorcycle’s debut in India. The Murugappa Group holds the trademark for BSA cycles.